We work to create a clean and beautiful world for our consumers

Market analysis

Density and nature of competition
Leaders who unambiguously define technological or innovative
trends, no. Almost all work according to the same schemes with similar
assortment. There are leaders dominating the shelves in the federal city.
retail - these are foreign and Russian companies that have good recognizable brands. The main form of competition is price rivalry,
which does not help with price wars. Forward-looking players start
work in the middle price segment and above. There are still few of them, because
they have a better chance of earning the "first top" money.
For companies from "nearby" industries, for example: household chemicals, cosmetics,
medical and light industrial goods that have
established distribution and well-known brands, barriers to entry
hygiene markets are low. For companies from "distant" industries,
who need to build a production and logistics chain from scratch -
the barriers are high. The threat of “new entrants” is above average. Any
the moment may manifest itself in the most acute phase - the entry into the market of a large companies and rapid market expansion. Moderate optimism leaves one
the factor that large companies operate in markets with a larger capacity than
markets of the sanitary and hygiene products industry and interest in smaller ones
side is unlikely.
Threat of the appearance of substitute goods.
The Russian industry of sanitary and hygienic products is still in its infancy
development stage, where, for example, the domestic wet wipes market
less than 5 & # 37; world market, and the consumption of paper hygiene products
& # 40; napkins, handkerchiefs, towels and toilet paper & # 41; 4 times behind
European and 6 times from American. In addition, the markets of the industry are in
their time, they were formed just from substitute goods. Their term
maturity is still far from the top bar. The influence of this power today is the most
the minimum of all the others, and in the future a lot will depend on the fact in
which side will the main players develop: towards diversification
their product portfolios or deep focus on development
brands within existing product portfolios.
Markets and competition
The total capacity of 7 Russian markets where the Company operates
By the end of 2019, Bumfa Group is about RUB 150 billion per year.
Capacity of the main markets for sanitary and hygiene products at the end of 2019
& # 40; Russia & # 41 ;:
- the market of wet wipes - about 29.4 billion rubles.
- the market of cotton pads - about 6 billion rubles.
- the market of cotton swabs - about 2.6 billion rubles.
- the market of paper handkerchiefs & nbsp; & nbsp; - about 4.5 billion rubles.
- the market of paper napkins - about 12.4 billion rubles.
- paper towel market - about 11.2 billion rubles.
- toilet paper market - about 84.6 billion rubles.
Of the five main competitive forces, attention should be focused on that
the power that the company can exert the most influence in order to
changes taking into account their core competencies.
Supplier Power
Manufacturers of sanitary and hygienic products have
almost the same technical base. Raw materials and accessories
affects everyone equally. Price advantages are straightforward
manufacturers of finished products. Today, for now, "the power of suppliers"
can be considered below average. Its main negative effect is cost.
imported raw materials and supplies. But this factor puts pressure on everyone almost equally.
Consumer Power
Most of the consumer environment is formed by women who
make up almost 80 & # 37; demand. Men, despite a smaller share, should
seen as a platform for growth. Their power is less now, but
the potential for development is great - there are many interesting niches as strictly
male themes, and the universal use of these product groups.